历史学家研究过去,对以前隐藏的事件形成一个有意义的形象, 部分理解, 或者故意曲解. 历史是以文献为基础的, 小说, 地图, 档案材料, 回忆录, 数字, 工件, 事实数据结合学术著作和分析. 这是一个研究领域,部分是社会科学, 部分诗歌, 而且总是人道地寻求理解. 要了解过去的真相可能是不可能的,但这种努力自有回报. The facility gained by students in interpreting the world historically can transform their consciousness and their lives. 这是一种尊重一个人回头看,就是向前看.

历史系的课程中引入了许多研究历史的方法. 关于古代世界的课程, 中世纪, 当代欧美, 中东, 非洲, 亚洲, and Latin America and the Caribbean form the core of a curriculum designed to encourage a wide range of historical explorations. 社会, 文化, 知识, 政治, 而跨国历史则带着学生穿越不同的地区和时期.

专业学生掌握批判性阅读的技能, 分析, 解释, 和写作,并被引入到对过去的相互加强的方法. 毕业生继续在学术界取得成功, 法律, 业务, 政府, 社会服务, and many other fields since the tools and worldview transmitted through the study of 历史 creates a springboard for endeavors in many realms that rely on the skills a historian learns.

Courses at the 100 and 200 level are the foundation for the advanced seminars 和写作 courses of the major. 每个都是介绍基本历史观点的门户, 时间顺序方案, 以及定义所调查领域的二手文献. There are also methodology courses at this level that introduce ways of studying 历史 and methods of engagement with primary-source materials.

One cardinal emphasis of the 历史 major is original research based on primary-source materials and the creation of essays or theses that represent a synthesis of evidence and relevant historiographical materials. The upper tier of our major—the 300 -水平研讨会—consists of small seminars whose goal is to foster original projects based on primary sources. Primary materials are also available in abundance on the Web and when not available locally can be obtained readily through the Library’s Reference Department.


历史系的学习目标可以找到 在这里.

Over the 2023-2024 academic year the Department of 历史 will be implementing new major requirements.  This new major reflects the dynamism of the historical discipline and offers students wider choice and opportunity.

We will be updating this section over the course of the year and majors will also work with their advisors to understand the new opportunities these changes present.   所有新专业, 以及2025或2026届的现有专业, 将遵循新的要求(虽然目前的专业可以申请退出).  Majors in the class of 2024 will continue to 遵循前面的主要要求 (see below).


新的专业要求 -适用于2025年和2026年的所有新专业和现有专业

专业学生必须修完十门经批准的历史课程,成绩不低于C-. Those who select a pathway to honors (see below) must complete twelve approved 历史 courses with grades of C- or better, 累积平均成绩为a -或更好. 至少有八门课程算进历史专业, 包括荣誉论文和嘘300, 必须在博彩平台网址大全或学术课程中完成, 赞助, 或由博彩平台网址大全批准.

为了塑造从低级课程到高级课程的发展轨迹, students may apply toward the major a maximum of two courses at the 100- and 200- levels taken during the academic year in which they plan to graduate.

  • 选修课 (5 credits) 选修课 may be selected from the 历史 department course offerings at any level.
  • 300 -水平研讨会 (4学分)学生必须参加至少四次300级的研讨会. All 300-level courses approved for the major are designated seminars and consist of intensive reading, 讨论, 和写作, 在学术文献或某一领域的主要资料中, 或者两者的结合. 所有300级的课程都满足写作第二部分的要求.
  • 嘘300. 历史研讨会 (1 credit) 这门课程构成了所有历史专业学生的核心教学经验 and requires a major research project. It is recommended that students complete this course by the spring semester prior to the academic year in which they plan to graduate. Students pursuing the portfolio pathway to honors (see below) may take a second section in their senior year. 历史工作坊完成写作第二部分的要求.
  • 主题集中 All majors must design a thematic concentration identifying a theme or idea that connects five courses from the ten-credit major as outlined above. 在这五门课程中,至少有两门必须达到300分水平. A concentration must demonstrate 地理 diversity as follows: by having at least three courses that cover three different world regions or by having at least three courses that are global in scope. Students have the option to count one course outside of the 历史 department toward their concentration, 但它不会被计入10学分的专业. 我咨询了一位历史系教员, 通常是主要顾问, students must generate a 500-word description of their concentration including a 讨论 of what theme or idea has been chosen, 已经修过的课程对它有什么影响, 对未来课程的计划, 以及一份关于这种集中如何体现地理多样性的声明. Descriptions should be 提交ted to the 历史 department administrative assistant no later than the Friday of preregistration advising week in the spring semester prior to the academic year in which they plan to graduate and will be vetted by a departmental committee. Those declaring the 历史 major after this date must 提交 the concentration description when they declare.


历史荣誉: all 历史 majors who wish to pursue honors must complete twelve approved 历史 courses with a cumulative GPA of A- or above. 通往荣誉的道路有两条:

  1. 论文途径:10学分的专业加上2学分的高级论文(HIST 498), 嘘499), 最终在他们大四的春天进行了一次公开演讲.
  2. 组合途径:十个学分的专业加上两个额外的学分, one of which must be a second section of 嘘300 and the other must be a 300-level seminar in the 历史 department. 赢得荣誉, a student following this pathway must 提交 a portfolio of three papers written for courses in the major, 包括至少一篇基于原始资料的研究论文或一个面向公众的项目, 在他们大四的春季学期奖励截止日期之前. The portfolio must be accompanied by a statement that describes the way it relates to the department’s learning goals and the concentration that the student designed. 而不是论文展示, 这条路的终点是与一组教员的“作品集面试”, 通常是那些教授论文所针对的课程的人.


专业要求:2024年应届毕业生, 或者谁在2020年之前被录取, 遵循前面的主要要求.


修读12门经批准的历史课程,成绩达到C-或以上. Those who select the thesis option must complete 11 approved 历史 courses and a 2-credit thesis with grades of C- or better. 至少修过其中八门课程, 包括毕业论文和嘘300, 必须在博彩平台网址大全博彩平台网址大全教授或赞助的学术课程中完成. 为了塑造从低级课程到高级课程的发展轨迹, students may apply a maximum of two courses at the 100 and 200 levels taken during their senior year toward the major. The award of departmental honors will be based on superior performance in 历史 courses and in a senior thesis.


学生必须在任何级别完成五门分销课程(100, 200, 或300),以获得主题, 地理, 以及学科的时间跨度. 每项要求都必须通过一门不同的课程来完成:

  • 一门欧洲历史课程
  • 一门课程.S. 历史
  • 一门课程讲的是1700年以前的一段时间
  • 在欧洲和美国以外的地区开设两门课程.S.


这门课程构成了所有历史专业学生的核心教学经验. It guides students in writing a major research paper using archives and other primary sources, 以及参与史学辩论和历史分析. 预计学生将在大三结束时完成这门课程. 历史工作坊完成写作强化第二部分的要求.


学生需要参加至少5个300级的研讨会. All 300-level courses approved for the major are designated seminars and consist of intensive reading, 讨论, 和写作, 在学术文献或某一领域的主要资料中, 或者两者的结合. 所有300级的课程都满足写作第二部分的要求.
